Thursday, December 18, 2008

I love Christmas. I love the smells, I love the colors, I love the music, I love the food. I don't love the inevitable weight gain, but hey, that's what sales on exercise equipment are for, right?

But I LOVE kids at Christmas. Here's a present my 5 year old wrapped for his sister by himself.

And the card that goes with it--which reads, "You will love this present. I love you."

I feel like these children are my presents. They are my loves, my laughter, sometimes my frustrations, my life. I love them.


Jennifer said...

OH! I cannot wait for homemade cards!!

ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

Here's another one: "Thec u fo led me et 3 candy." (thank you for letting me eat 3 candies)

thedoodlegirl said...

This is too adorable!

Jess said...

My kids do this too. It so sweet to see them give to each other.

I love it when you visit my blog. Again it was so fun take your family photos. I hope I get the rest of the clan finished this new year.