My husband mocks me that I never have my scrapbox closed and looking pretty like this. I assure him it's because I'm always working on lots of very important things.
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas in my family we have two birthdays. So that's two friend parties, two family parties, shopping, baking, etc. etc. Add to that, this year we had a big family celebration this past weekend where my two sisters and their families (that would be eight children under the age of 11) stayed for the weekend, plus lunch for 70 on Saturday. Now add to that all the normal Christmas stuff--and you can maybe see why I feel like I'm stretched about as far as I can stretch.
I would really like to hear suggestions on how you balance all this Christmas stress. Isn't this supposed to be the season of Peace on Earth? I'm not feeling especially peaceful at the moment. And while I know with one part of my brain that the answer is to do less--to simplify, to let some things go--the other part of my brain is a raving lunatic for insisting it all be done. Every goodie not baked, every Christmas card not written is someone left out and I can't live with myself if I do that. So . . . how do you manage it? Seriously. I'll be in the kitchen while I wait, whipping up some more goodies.
Love your post.
I feel the same way you do. I like to remember everyone and simplifying is a great idea, but makes me feel bad. I guess I must not be simplifying correctly. A couple of things that help me: Do things in multiples. Buy something great in numbers and give the same thing to everyone. And I keep a Gift book. I record what others give me and what I have given others through the years. It becomes a great resource for brainstorming, for record keeping and for lists of things I need to do. I also write down the highlights of each season that remind me that its all worth it. Love you Dara!!
Ohhh, a book of lists. I love it.
You are a good friend to me.
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