Anyway--the scrapbox has been a fabulous organizing tool. I've got a separate drawer for everything, all my tools at my fingertips, and when I need to clean it up, everything goes in its place, I close the doors and it's beautiful.
The thing I've really enjoyed is using it for more than scrapbooking. I have drawers for shopping ads and coupons, drawers for budgets and receipts, drawers for special projects I'm working on, and the kids have even commandeered drawers for themselves to keep some of their projects organized.
One of my recent projects was sewing a colonial style vest and coat for my son's Colonial Days at school. It took far longer than I thought it would (I seem to have a habit of grossly underestimating the time it takes for anything to be done) and it's full of mistakes, but I'll attach a picture anyway. The scrapbox was a big help since I was able to use the table as an extra surface while I was working on the coat. I don't know why I spend hours and hours working on something that will be worn once--I guess if he feels special for the day because he has something I've made for him, then it's worth it.
P.S. My drawers are messy. Organizing THEM is on my list of things to do. Maybe after the kids all leave home I'll have time . . .
I want my name in the drawing for the scrapbox!!
Your blog looks great. I love your writing.
I forgot to mention that the colonial outfit is totally amazing. You are a master seamstress and a fantastic mom. When you get bored, I need custom crib bedding.
I don't do bedding. Or mending. Ask my husband.
Hi Dara--blogging is so fun. I have to confess though that I have totally stopped scrapbooking and only blog now. I love anything that I can just do from my computer. The kids do still love all of our scrapbooks pre-blog. But, now I am going to print out my blog and have a book of it made each year. I've also linked my blog to my facebook page--that is really fun too. I love blogging because you can keep in touch with so many people who you wouldn't hear from otherwise--like me and Bronwyn. Have fun blogging!
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