Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring According to Me

Here are my rules for Spring:

Spring is for flowers.
Spring is for planning the garden and dreaming of children weeding it all summer long. :)
Spring is for warm weather after a terribly long, cold, long, long, long winter.

Spring is for remembering my grandpa and for going with him to pick up sweet little widow ladies for church on Easter.
Spring is for drinking in the sun.
Spring is for picnics.
OK, spring can be for rain. Flowers need rain.
Spring is for walks in the rain with my husband who should have had webbed feet.

Spring is NOT for sneezing.

Spring is for our annual Easter egg hunts.
Spring is for remembering the real reason for Easter.
Spring is for my grandma's amazing Easter dinners.
Spring is for children.

Spring is NOT for last minute snowstorms and thermal underwear. That is just wrong.

Spring is for the short sleeves and capris that have been hiding all winter.
Spring is for walking outside and for listening to birds singing in the morning.
Spring is watching the kids on the rope swing and riding up and down the street on their bikes in small teeming masses.
Spring is energy.

"Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent." (Jean Kerr in Finishing Touches) Good-bye winter.

Spring is hope.


thedoodlegirl said...

I LOVE your Spring rules! Now can you make my sneeze go away?? (I love your blog, too! :))

ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

I recommend Alavert. :)

Treble Clef ♪ said...

Thanks for the joyful thoughts of spring (and for the birthday wishes) March girls rule!!! And I would say that the key words on children weeding are: "dreaming of.."