Thursday, March 4, 2010

In Case You're Wondering

If you're wondering why there's a shirt in my freezer, it's because it has gum on it. I read somewhere that if you are so cursed, put the offending item in the freezer and the gum will peel right off. So I did that but it's been a few weeks and I haven't gotten around to peeling it off yet.

So indicative of my life.


Jennifer said...

Ha ha! Reminds me of the pile of dirt I have sitting on the stair landing from a one-year-old that used his toothbrush to dig up a plant. I keep waiting for 'erosion' to make it disappear.

ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

Apparently the gum does not peel itself off. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed.

Treble Clef ♪ said...

I have heard about that freezing the gum method also. Heloise, one of those "solve-it" columnists used to swear it worked. Never tried it. Sorry it didn't work for you. I've heard if you get gum in your hair you should use baby oil or peanut butter:)

Likely said...

I am disappointed too. darn shirt. ruining everything.

Just don't forget about it and throw it in the oven directly on the rack for 20-23 minutes at 400* expecting to have a quick Friday night dinner.

Unless the family likes to eat gummy shirts, then by all means.

thedoodlegirl said...

hahaaa! I'm sorry that it didn't work. At least you tried, right? By the way, I didn't know you were such a clumsy gum chewer.