Saturday, December 19, 2009

And a Little Tutu

Project #2 has been Kendyl's tutu. I'm not especially impressed with it--I saw a tutu I was trying to copy and apparently in my mind my abilities are far greater than what they actually are. But it's done and it's just for dress up so hopefully she'll be happy.

On to Project #3.


Ivy said...

I think it looks great! You did better than I would without a pattern. Is that all one piece of tulle that changes colors? or did you use multiple pieces?

ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

I used 3 different colors and cut them in strips and then layered them in alternating patterns--hot pink, pink, blue for one stripe; pink, blue, hot pink for the next stripe, etc. It's definitely not what I was envisioning but it should work for playing in. :)

thedoodlegirl said...

YOU ARE AMAZING. DID YOU HEAR ME??? AMAZING!!! My friend, your Christmas gifts turned out so perfect! I am so very impressed! You are so talented!