Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile

This would be the 5 year old.

He makes me smile a lot.

Is it wrong to laugh at this? The accident report is so cute.

Still my all time favorite. Your day can't possibly ever be as bad as this:

He makes me crazy every day, but I absolutely love him.


Anonymous said...

That is adorable. Is that the latest ingury? Or is it an old picture.(the one with the bandaid)

Jennifer said...

He is too cute. I love the accident report too. It says so much about his personality. I bet he makes you feel like 'I screm' all the time :)

ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

The injury is from last week--no band aid anymore, but it hasn't completely healed.

He's currently "screm"-ing because Kendyl won't play Life with him anymore. She's been home sick and has only played for the last 2 hours, the rotten thing.

Treble Clef ♪ said...

He's FIVE already? When did that happen?:)

ScrapBox Organization & Storage said...

The same time as your girls graduating high school and starting college!

Coryn said...

Oh, he's so cute! I can't believe he's five. Time flies.

The Thomas Family said...

Oh my goodness, now that is precious!