Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Mormon Mom's Dilemma

Modest Prom Dress. This is the dilemma. And while there are shops and web sites now to help with this dilemma, price is also a factor for us. I don't want to spend a small fortune, and I want my daughter to have a beautiful, modest dress. I don't think that's too much to ask for. I am not exaggerating when I say this could be the catalyst for a short stay in a mental facility.

So we were in England a few weeks ago and I asked my daughter if she wanted me to look in London for a dress. She said yes and gave me 3 criteria: long, with sleeves, and easy to match. So I found a BEAUTIFUL dress for a great price . . . that matched only one of the criteria. Why did I ignore the other 2? you may ask. Did I mention how utterly pretty and shimmery it is? And I apparently had an over-inflated estimation of my skills in being able to fix it. So I bought it.

And now I am paying the price. I spent the better part of two days going to every fabric store in Provo and the Salt Lake area trying to find matching fabric. No go. She finally agreed I could take the chiffon scarf things that hung down the back of the dress to use for sleeves. Spent another afternoon taking in seams to try and fit her skinny little self. Totally messed it up and nearly had a heart attack until I figured out what I had done and was able to fix it. I think I will need a spa day when this is finished to recover.

I have bugged my sewing friends for ideas. Jeny has sent sketches. Gayle has inspected and offered ideas. And Sarah (http://jaynsarah.blogspot.com/), has spent lots of time helping us with her creative genius. Tomorrow is Project Sleeves.

This is a rough idea of what I'm working on. (Does it look skinnier? I've taken it in twice and have to do it again.) Wish me luck. I need new thread and possibly some more chiffon to add another layer under the sleeves for coverage. And in the middle of this insanity, I am making her an Easter dress. Did I mention I have an over-inflated opinion of my capabilities? sigh . . .

Here's the top so far:

And then, just for fun, here is a picture of my new sewing box, which I LOVE.

I'll post more tomorrow unless I'm in a padded room somewhere whispering to myself.